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Saint Mary Magdalene, East Moors

This tiny church on the North York Moors, 4½ miles north of Helmsley, was built to serve the dispersed farming community. 


The area is now sparsely populated but the church is still well cared-for and fills to capacity for its occasional services (Christmas, Easter, Harvest). 


Built in 1882, when 200 people lived on the moor, it was designed by Temple Moore, his first church, with a characteristic painted wagon roof and stepped bell tower. To quote Pevsner, "the young architect obviously enjoyed this job thoroughly, and his pleasure is still infectious."


Before motorcars were around, clergy would ride there on a Saturday evening and sleep in a hammock in the south aisle to be on time for the Sunday service! The aisle then would accommodate the Sunday school, for whom a 'squint' enabled them to see what was happening at the altar.


St Mary Magdalene is somewhat isolated and hidden in a churchyard of rhododendrons, (a red telephone box in the bracken marks the way in), this charming little church delighted and inspired both Sir Nikolaus Pevsner and Sir John Betjeman.

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