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More good news

Oct 13

2 min read




Thanks to eagle-eyed Nicola Batty we find our new trail appearing in the November/December edition of Discover Britain Magazine.

Look out for further feature articles and photos of the Launch Event in forthcoming issues of Yorkshire Life and Living North.


Save the date of 9 March 2025, and come and join our new Bishop of Whitby, Bishop Barry Hill in a Lent Walk on our new trail. We will alert you here when we have finalised plans and arrangements for the day.


SAPT news: we have now received our new Horse Riders’ Saint Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail Waymarkers and will commence waymarking the route this month.

To celebrate this news please see below some of our horse riding pilgrims on the trail at our Launch Day Event: that brilliant expert on the bridleways of the North York Moors and lead on the horse riders’ trail, Bill Tait, is on Amigo, Mel is riding Paddy, and Sheila is riding Singeur:

Below is Mojo and Mary, and Scout and Janet at the end of their epic ride to Rievaulx on the SAPT. Photos of our horses and riders by the talented Katie Morgan.

We created this new trail to interest and engage people in our rural and historic churches in Helmsley and Upper Ryedale. Preserving these beautiful examples of our culture and our built environment is why the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust exists. It is why we wanted our launch event to be a YHCT Ride and Stride event. I’m delighted to tell you that the sponsorship total raised so far is currently at a magnificent £2,000 - double our initial target.

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to date.


Every good wish


George Gyte

Oct 13

2 min read





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